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Latest news about research on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
This blog can be used for information, discussion and collaboration in both the broader and narrower CSCL communities.
As I mentioned above, this blog is the latest in a series of CSCL media experiments I have been involved in. I began with my own home page at when the WorldWideWeb was just starting; my personal site has subsequently grown to over a gigabyte with 15,000 files. I started up and – both of which have since been professionally modernized. For my current research project, Virtual Math Teams, I started the wiki at and website at In association with my book on Group Cognition, I have not only maintained the text publicly online since its earliest draft at, but I created a listomania of related CSCL books at and added entries to on CSCL and on group cognition.
In addition to these instances of using public electronic media, I have collaborated in the design of new media for small group learning contexts. In Colorado I worked with several colleagues in designing, implementing and testing WebGuide, an asynchronous threaded discussion forum. As part of a European Union project, I then designed BSCL, which combined the BSCW shared document spaces with simple asynchronous and synchronous tools. Currently, at Drexel I am working with the Virtual Math Teams project developing and analyzing the usage of the VMT-Chat synchronous text and graphics environment for collaborative math problem solving.
Both issues reflect the international character of the CSCL community. Issue one authors are from Germany, UK, Denmark, Sweden, China, Canada, US and Brazil. Issue two authors are from Norway, Israel, US, Japan and France.
For information on submitting papers to ijCSCL, go to To volunteer to be a reviewer for the journal, send me an email.