All publications of Gerry Stahl now in 18 volume e-Library
I have assembled the best versions of all my publications in 18 thematic volumes of collected essays.
I am now reviewing them, editing them, checking for typos and formatting them consistently.
You can now download the latest PDF version of each volume of my Assembled Texts by clicking on the link following the image of the
volume in the Quick Download section of
These PDF versions are the most up-to-date edited and revised versions with the best digital formatting for reading.
For information about each volume and other versions (print-on-demand, ebook, mobi, epub, etc. for iBooks, Kindle, etc.), click on the image of the volume to go to its eLibrary page.
The PDF versions will always be the most up-to-date versions as I edit and fix typos. I have not yet generated Lulu print-on-demand versions or MOBI or EPUB versions of the 2017 editions. Look for @2017 on the copyright page to check for new versions.
Please let me know if you notice any typos in the PDF versions.
I am now reviewing them, editing them, checking for typos and formatting them consistently.
You can now download the latest PDF version of each volume of my Assembled Texts by clicking on the
These PDF versions are the most up-to-date edited and revised versions with the best digital formatting for reading.
For information about each volume and other versions (print-on-demand, ebook, mobi, epub, etc. for iBooks, Kindle, etc.), click on the image of the volume to go to its eLibrary page.
The PDF versions will always be the most up-to-date versions as I edit and fix typos. I have not yet generated Lulu print-on-demand versions or MOBI or EPUB versions of the 2017 editions. Look for @2017 on the copyright page to check for new versions.
Please let me know if you notice any typos in the PDF versions.
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