ijCSCL issue for Sept 08
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL)
Volume 3, Number 3, September 2008
Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse
Analyzing collaborative learning processes automatically: Exploiting the advances of computational linguistics in CSCL
Carolyn Rosé * Yi-Chia Wang * Yue Cui * Jaime Arguello * Karsten Segmann * Armin Weinberger * Frank Fischer
The effect of a script and an interface in grounding discussions
Judith Schoonenboom
Supporting students' participation in authentic proof activities in CSCL environments
Diler Oner
Inviting participation: Cultural practices in networked classroom learning environments
Nancy Ares
Context-oriented communication and the design of computer-supported discursive learning
Andrea Kienle * Thomas Herrmann
Book review: Exploring thinking as communicating in CSCL
Gerry Stahl