Friday, July 14, 2006

News from ICLS 06 and future conferences

The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2006) was held at the University of Indiana from June 27 to July 1. See for details.

There was a meeting of the CSCL Community. It included a discussion of the CSCL journal, with many members of the Editorial Board present, including both Executive Editors and most of the Associate Editors. ijCSCL reported that to date there have been: 67 submissions, 15 accepted for publication, 8 currently being revised, 22 currently being reviewed, 22 rejected.

Co-chairs for the new CSCL Community executive committee were nominated: Hans Spada and Dan Suthers.

At the recommendation of the CSCL Community, the ISLS Board approved offering all members of the Kaleidoscope CSCL Sig free trial memberships in ISLS for the remainder of 2006.

The next CSCL and ICLS conferences were announced:
CSCL 2007 at Rutgers University near New York City and Newark airport, July 16-21, 2007. (Note: deadline for paper submission is November 1, 2006.)
ICLS 2008 at Utrecht University near Amsterdam, Netherlands in summer 2008.

A call for proposals for sites for future ICLS and CSCL conferences will be sent in the Fall.

Other future conferences of interest:
ICCE 2006 in Beijing, China, November 28-December 4, 2006
CRIWG 2006 in Valladolid, Spain, September 17-21, 2006
CSCL European Rendevous in Villars, Switzerland, January 22-26, 2007