Thursday, May 14, 2009

ijCSCL Issue for September 2009

International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL)
Volume 4, Number 3, September 2009
Classical Dialogs in CSCL
Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse

Time is precious: Variable- and event-centred approaches to process analysis in CSCL research
Peter Reimann (Australia)

Distinguishing knowledge sharing, knowledge construction, and knowledge creation discourses
Jan van Aalst (China)

A three-level analysis of collaborative learning in dual interaction spaces
Jacques Lonchamp (France)

Collaborative corrections with spelling control: Digital resources and peer assistance
Asta Cekaite (Sweden)

Web 2.0: Inherent tensions and evident challenges for education
Nina Bonderup Dohn (Denmark)